Monday, January 13, 2014

{ 2014 } | explore

a new year - the perfect time for new plans & possibilities.

Part of my planning for the year ahead consisted of completing Susannah Conway's "Unravelling the Year Ahead" workbook (as I did last year) & choosing a word to be part of my year.

It took a fair while to find the right word, but in the end the one that clicked was explore.

Last year's word was grow & in some ways explore feels like a logical extension of that - similar in a number of ways, but, I don't know, braver somehow.

So here's to new journeys, new adventures, new discoveries - to far away places & those close to home. To being open to all the opportunities to explore this life & being brave enough to reach for them.

1 comment:

  1. It's a fantastic word for you, Vickie! I hope this year is full of scary, awesome things. :)


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