Thursday, March 29, 2012

in a spin...

Earlier this month I was thrilled & honoured to find out that I'd won the 'Undiscovered Treasure' category in the 2012 DUST (Down Under Street Team) awards!

& what has a cute pincushion to do with this you ask? Well, not only did I get a huge thrill, I got a prize too!

This delightful mini pincushion, made by the lovely Shelley from Spincushions.

It's so gorgeous & beautifully made. My sister even tried to steal it after I got her to hold it for the photo.

& there are lots more lovely ones in the Spincushions etsy shop, like the sunflower below:


  1. So glad you like it - & I am also very happy you won the undiscovered treasure award :) Well done.

    Thanks so much for sharing my pincushions :)

  2. Yay, Vickie! Congratulations! Only negative is that I didn't manage to steal that cute pincushion form you. ;)

  3. Congrats Vickie! I have 3 wonderfully made pincushions from Spincushions and I love them all. :)


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