Monday, January 7, 2013

{ 2013 } | grow

a new year, a new beginning, new possibilities...

as part of my planning for the new year, I completed Susannah Conway's "Unravelling the Year Ahead" workbook (as suggested by this girl). I found it helpful, interesting & even a little challenging to complete & very worthwhile.

part of the process is choosing a word for the year & my word for 2013 is grow 

it's about reaching out & exploring & discovering....I want to grow as a jeweller, an artist, a photographer & most importantly as a person.

to grow through my fears & towards my possibilities

I don't know exactly where that will take me - although I do have some directions to start heading in - but life is all about the journey anyway.


  1. Just found you via Susannah's blog comments. So glad I did!

  2. i took her unravelling course a few years back! it was really great. and "grow" is a perfect word to guide 2013.

  3. This is such a courageous word.
    Well done.


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