Friday, May 29, 2015

s(t)ill life...

fallen leaves & scattered memories...
also + on tumblr

Monday, May 25, 2015

a day at the market | may

An utterly glorious autumn morning for the Wirrabara Producers Market this month. Although it was pretty chilly first thing, it didn't take long for the sunshine to warm things up - throw in hot drinks, lovely people, wood oven pizza, planning, trays of apples, a pumpkin or three & some quince jelly & you have a very enjoyable morning.

We're not going to be having a stall at the market during the winter months (we'll still visit to pick up yummy local produce of course) but we'll be back come spring...

a day at the market 2013 | 2014 | march | april

Friday, May 22, 2015

tangled + printed

Recent delivery of goodness from RedBubble, printed with a selection of my zentangles.

I got a bunch more cards - three new designs, plus restocking some old favourites, a tote bag with the zentangle/mandala I finished recently & a poster of a new tangle from earlier in the year. Very happy with how everything turned out...

All these designs, plus more zentagles & some of my photographs are available on redbubble.

Monday, May 18, 2015

a few good things...

1. raindrops & sparkly morning light. 
2. a selection of library books.
3. new copper/bronze + crystal & sterling silver pendant sets.
4. colourful easter treats. 
5. playing in pretty afternoon light.
6. a profusion of salvia flowering in the garden.
7. weekends at Flinders Street Market.

Friday, May 8, 2015


...some extremely welcome rain arrived a couple of weeks ago - much appreciated by the garden & resulting some lovely morning-light sparkliness...

...finished a new batch of copper & bronze clay pieces in time for market...

...not so dark on morning walks now that daylight savings is finished, but the mornings are getting colder - I'm sure our first frosty walk isn't far away...

...back at Wirrabara Producers Market on a sunny Easter Sunday & a lovely weekend at Flinders Street Market last week (& our new gazebo had its début)...

...think I might have mentioned before that we don't get lots of autumn colour around here (mostly non-deciduous trees), but there's one across the road from the information centre & I spent a bit of time taking photos last time I had a shift there...

...speaking of colour - finished off my batch of polymer too...

...baked a batch of Anzac biscuits on ANZAC day - it seemed like the right thing to & also they just taste awesome. Also made another batch of double chocolate banana muffins & we ate a bit of easter chocolate too...

...a few roses blooming in the morning light & some more bits & pieces on my window sill...

...& had fun playing along with April Love 2015 on instagram (even if I only did about half the themes).