Friday, January 31, 2014

splash, ripple & flow | queensland

water, water everywhere - ponds, streams, waterfalls, pools & fountains...

Monday, January 27, 2014

pop up in prospect | january

Had a gorgeous Summer's day for the Pop Up in Prospect market on Saturday - slightly cool in the morning & not too hot in the afternoon. I was very pleased with how my displays looked, the setting was lovely & there were lots of interesting stalls - so, despite business being kind of slow, we had a very good day.

photo 5 & 6 (both photos in the diptych) by Amy

Saturday, January 25, 2014

lovely links...

Summer is well & truly upon us - we've had our first super hot stretch, as well as some scary moments, which has reminded me that we should be thankful for all the good things in life...

Awe-struck by the gorgeousness of Patagonia.

Snooping through Brooklyn in 1978.

Shedding a different kind of weight. Plus, you're beautiful (yes, you).

What one guy did with $25,000.

A fancy afternoon tea (or three) in London? - yes please :)

Anyone for ice cream? I could do with a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream, or perhaps something fruity, like raspberry or roasted plum or maybe cinnamon for something different or just combine two awesome things & make ice cream cake.

Loving this tank top & this one too - also, this bag & I rather like this watch.

Dreaming of Middle-Earth.

Some majestic mountains 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Thursday, January 23, 2014

popping up...

This Saturday I will be having a stall at the Pop Up in Prospect Market in, well, Prospect, in Adelaide. I've been busy preparing - making lists, trying out displays, figuring the layout out, pricing some extra jewellery...

I've attended plenty of markets before, but this will be the first time I have a Jewelflyt stall at an artisan & vintage market, as well as my first Adelaide market. I'm a bit nervous, but very excited & I am bringing lots of helpers, so it should be a fun day whatever happens.

Wish me luck - & if you are in Adelaide, come & say hello!

Pop Up in Prospect - Saturday 25th January, Vine St Plaza, Prospect

Monday, January 20, 2014


The past few days have been something of a strange, scary time. Bush fires during the Australian summer are hardly unusual (sadly), but the Bangor fire is much closer to home than we normally experience. Not just physically (it was heading in our direction at one point, although it never actually go that close to us), but emotionally as well - friends of ours have lost everything.

Despite the sadness for lost homes & the damage to local grasslands & the Wirrabara forest, I'm very thankful that no lives have been lost.

& also thankful to the awesome CFS volunteers who have done their utmost to protect people & property.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

twin falls | queensland { part 2 }

Down in the valley, where the Twin Falls tumble into a wide pool - we walked behind, stood next & wet our hands in the cool falling water. Only one of the twin falls was actually falling when we were there - Queensland is in need of some rain & the second fall was barely a trickle.

{ part 1
second to last photo by Amy

Friday, January 17, 2014

twin falls | queensland { part 1 }

from the Canyon lookout, down towards Twin Falls - ferns, streams, trees, clefts, scattered light & mossy rocks...

{ part 2 }